Week Two – The Master Key Adventure Continues

Where do I Start?

I am so excited to be a part of the Master Key Course – it’s such a dynamic experience, even though there is still a part of me that wonders just what I’ve gotten myself into.  I have already begun revising my Definite Major Purpose write-up with the feedback from my MKMMA guide.  The class is already impacting how I interract with other people too!

I am doing my daily reading and my sits.  Most of you reading this post will probably be fellow explorers, but for those who do not know, the sits are quiet times of self-reflection.  The daily reading consists of scrolls from Og Mandino’s Greatest Salesman in the World (a far more spiritual volume than the name implies) along with a Blueprint Builder designed to help reprogram our sub-conscious so that reading our personalized DMP will have a profound effect on how we see ourselves.

All of it is designed to get us thinking, but none of it is about what we should be thinking – that’s totally up to us.  I already knew that the only thing we really had control over was our thoughts – about where we put our attention.  This course is already helping me to GET IT at a much deeper level than I ever have in the past.

OK – So Our Thoughts Impact Our Beliefs

Our thoughts not only impact our beliefs, they also impact our feelings, which will have an additional effect on our beliefs.  Beliefs in turn effect our actions which will then manifest as the results in our lives.  The bad new is that the blueprint from our old thoughts, feelings and beliefs has, to a large degree, predetermined our actions.

If we are unawTripleFallWPare of this dynamic then we drift along in life, repeating the same types of challenges over and over again.  We may even begin to think of ourselves as failures and/or victims and see ourselves as helpless.  Such thoughts will inevitably have an effect on our feelings and beliefs and the direction from that is pretty clear – without awareness, it is pretty much downhill.  Just as water will seek the shortest path to the sea, relentlessly eroding everything in its path, our thought patterns will do the same to our lives.

The Good News!

The good news is, that unlike the river tumbling ever lower and lower, we have the gift of awareness – when we remember and choose to use it.  We DO have control of our dominant thought patterns, and through learning to exercise that control, and infusing it with feelings, our new beliefs will begin to chip away at the cement that has bound us into our “Lives of quiet desperation…”  And, unlike the erosion of the river which creates deeper and deeper chasms, the erosion of our old thought patterns and the rebuilding of new ones lifts us higher and higher.  Our new habits will build a new blueprint – a solid foundation for our dreams and aspirations.  From here we can build on solid bedrock!

In other words, we may still be “up the creek,” but it’s a beautiful creek and we now possess a very powerful paddle.  As I said – the adventure continues.  In truth, it’s just begun.

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I love being a catalyst for change - inspiring people to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. My vehicles for change are network marketing with LifeVantage and leading seminars. I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Wesern North Carolina.

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