Week Three – The Master Key Adventure Intensifies

Habits are Interesting Things!

“In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits” – Og Mandino

We all have habits.  We may label them as “good habits” or “bad habits,” but in truth they are all just habits.  The goodness or badness is in the eye of the beholder.

Many, if not most of our habits lie beneath our level of awareness.  Without awareness, we cannot make choices about them.  Some habits support us in getting more of what we want in our lives and many may get in the way.  Cause and effect being such slippery things, at times we may not even know which habits are which.

What we are learning is that the world within creates the world without, and sitting after reading our DMP (Definite Major Purpose) helps us to reset that world within.

But my old patterns are not giving up without a fight – Aaaargh…

New Patterns are Dawning!

Og Mandino says that we are slaves of habit.  He goes on to say that “only  a habit can subdue another habit.”  As we read the scrolls from Og, our DMPs and other assigned pieces, old patterns begin to fade and new ones begin to emerge.  We begin to see and experience things in a new light.

 Morning Mist
Morning Mist

The most important piece is to focus our attention on what is preferred – on what we are moving towards.  As the habit of paying attention to where we are putting our attention gets stronger, the old habits begin to dissolve, like the sun burning away the morning haze.  Just as the haze disappears and everything comes into view, so it is with our newfound thought patterns – we are born again into a fresh day with a new lease on life.

More Good News!

Here’s some more Good News!  By becoming increasingly aware of my thought patterns and habits, I realize that I can now choose which habits to embrace and which ones to replace.  My conscious mind is becoming the gatekeeper to what gets passed on to my subconscious mind.

Just like a computer, as good information goes in, good results come out.  My new dominant thoughts, coupled with emotion, are beginning to change my beliefs.  New beliefs result in new actions, which in turn manifest new results.

And guess what?  I’m already getting more done.  Hurray!

Self-Esteem and “The Sit.”  What We can Learn from our Cats.

 Doing His Sit
Business Doing His Sit

Our cat Business has never had any issues with self-esteem.  He sits still several times a day, contemplating who knows what?  Watching his stillness helps inpire me to be still as well, and the results are beginning to show.  We are in week three and my wife Terri is already noticing a difference in me.  And (no big surprise) she likes it – as do I…

Staying on track with these new disciplines has definitely not been easy, but it’s oh so worth it!

Like I said, the adventure intensifies.  I can hardly wait to see what shows up next…